Time Management Tips - For Professional Networkers - By: Zebda Horatio

Description : Time Management Tips - For Professional Networkers

At the prospect of seeming crazy, there are but 2 real words to interpret Time Management - Forget IT.

It seems we are trying to run faster and faster, cramming more "activities" into our waking hours (on the whole our working hours), paying little thought to the worth of the activities we are trying to fit in.

In the working environment, people appear to be inspected, managed and promoted on the theory of work volume, instead of the validity of their activities; a lot of brownie points can be acquired by arriving earlier and working later than anyone else in the office.

Now by offering Time Management is nonsense, as we actually cannot control it, we can, nonetheless control the activities into which we concentrate our concentration, ability and efforts, and use it to our advantage.

Now for the individual who is much more involved in results, rather than results by volume, there are 4 items to remember:

1. Goal Setting.

2. Pareto's 80/20 Rule.

3. To Do List.

4. Elimination.

Goal Setting

By having a positive, well defined objective, we can be aware of and concentrate on the shortest route to its success. Hazy objectives result in hours shuffling nonessential paperwork, frustration and stress.

Pareto's Principles.

This (regularly known as the 80/20 rule) in elementary terms indicates that merely 20% of our activities (or inputs) are responsible for 80% or our results (or outputs). thus, we fritter 80% of our time on unproductive nonsense.

In substance, by understanding the 20% of results producing activities, we can concentrate our attention much more efficiently, work less, and yet raise productivity substantially.

To Do List.

Unquestionably this is one of the essential and most effective tools available.

By using a WRITTEN to do list, requires us to fix on the relevant and essential tasks.

Nevertheless, this is a 3 stage practice:

a) Brain storm all the areas requiring consideration (write them down on a piece of paper).

b) Rank in order of importance.

c) Work on the most meaningful task until completion- if distracted, resolve the distraction and go back to the task until it is completed. Then, and only then, move onto the next item on the list.


As imperative as it is to focus our attention on the 20%, it is just as important to distinguish what is needless and eliminate from our life.

In closing, all 4 factors are inter-related and inter-dependent , with the constant critical case being self-discipline.

If we do not, cannot or will not improve self discipline our lives will come close to little more than the abstract totality of our whims, and we will one day awake wandering why we have worked so hard, yet accomplished so little.

One last word, control e-mail, don't let it control you!

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : This review of Time Management is by Bob White. Bob White is a highly successful Networker, ranking in the top 1.5% of distributors in his primary business. To learn his methods of Network Development visit A Route To Wealth